Netbase Water Network Management Software
As a leading provider of global smart water network solutions, we are committed to providing effective solutions for water companies at home and abroad to optimise their network management, reduce leaks, and increase revenues.
Netbase Digital Services Platform
As a leading provider of global smart water network solutions, we are committed to providing effective solutions for water companies at home and abroad to optimise their network management, reduce leaks, and increase revenues.

NetOps - Smart Water Network Application
NetOps is an operational and situational awareness web application for office-based analysts, planners, and field personnel dedicated to various water network activities. Our platform provides staff with valuable real-time insights, displaying the current network status with all the essential information operators need to streamline their activities.
NetAlytics - Smart Advanced Water Network Analytics
At Crowder Consulting, we understand the importance of network analytics in the water industry. With NetAlytics, you’ll get an incisive understanding of network performance and consumer demand, enabling your water company to allocate resources, reduce losses, and improve service levels to ensure communities benefit from a clean and sustainable supply of water.