Cyber Essentials Plus Certification 2021

We are delighted to announce that we have successfully passed our Cyber Essentials Plus assessment and retained our certification for another year.  Cyber Essentials Plus is a Government backed scheme which helps us guard against the most common cyber threats and demonstrates our commitment to cyber security.

Our assessment included a technical audit of our systems, and external vulnerability assessment, an internal scan and on-site assessment.

Cyber Security is an essential part of GDPR, to be sure of your GDPR compliance, you must have a robust cyber security system along with data policies, procedures and documentation.

Certification gives us peace of mind that our defences will protect against the vast majority of common cyber-attacks and to reassure our customers that we are ensuring we are in the best position to secure our IT from a Cyber-attack.

All staff undertake annual Cyber Security Awareness Training and GDPR Regulations.